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 Comprehensive Income Protection Insurance

Receive a monthly income if you can’t work because of injury, illness or disability.


Increase Your Financial Security With our Income Protection Cover

If you earn above the COID maximum payment limit our income insurance plans give you the financial protection you need if an injury or illness prevents you from working.

RMA offers a range of different income protection policies, allowing you to choose a plan that best suits your financial and lifestyle needs. Depending on your policy, our sickness and disability insurance pays up to 100% of your net income at the time of the accident for the period you are unable to work until retirement, to a maximum of R7.5 million a year.

Your Benefits:

  • Cover for employees earning above the COID limit
  • Earnings up to 100% of net income, max. of R7.5 million/annum
  • Optimise your compensation to the right level of benefits for your income
  • Child benefits for up to 8 children
  • Family allowance for 100% disability

What is income protection insurance?

accident, with cover calculated according to your actual package. That provides peace of mind knowing you will be able to fulfil all your typical month-to-month financial requirements according to your lifestyle.

This removes the compensation ceiling placed by the COIDA legislation. It provides broader and more comprehensive cover than COID, and unlike COID, extends to non-work-related accidents.

How does salary protection work?

Whereas COID insurance will generally cover up to 75% up your monthly earning at the time of the accident, our salary protection plans can cover your full earnings with no maximum compensation limit.

Benefits payable:

Temporary Total Disablement (Days Off)

Short-term, temporary income benefit or days off benefit for the period of time off work while injured, recovering from injury or during temporary disability. You can receive a cover amount up to 100% of your salary during days of, depending on your disability cover.

Permanent Disability

You will receive a monthly income until your retirement age where disablement is assessed to be greater than 30%. This monthly payment can be up to your net earnings at the time of the accident.

Death Benefits

Death is not covered under income protection cover, but by life insurance and funeral cover.


For over 125 years, South Africans have trusted Rand Mutual Assurance to provide quality, reliable and affordable insurance policies.

FAQs About Your Income Protection Cover

What does an income protection policy cover?

Income protection cover is an insurance policy that can cover up to 100% of your net income in the event that illness, injury or disability prevents you from working, with a maximum pay-out of R7.5 million per year.

Does income protection cover you if you lose your job?

If your injury or illness prevents you from returning to your job, you can claim on your income protection cover. Pay out and period of cover will depend on the cover you choose as well as the seriousness of your injury or illness.

What does income protection not cover?

Income protection insurance does not cover you if you can still perform 76% or more of your duties at work. Income protection does not cover loss of income in case of retrenchment or any other reason than illness, injury or disability.

When can I use my income protection?

You can claim on your income protection insurance if an injury, severe illness or disability prevents you from returning to your job and earning a salary. Should you meet the claim requirements of your income protection plan, RMA will pay up to 100% of your net income.

Can I have two income protection policies?

You are allowed to have two or more income protection policies in South Africa. People take multiple income protection policies as part of their financial planning where they feel a single plan isn’t comprehensive or diverse enough for their income needs.

How long is income protection paid for?

Your period of income protection cover depends on the policy you choose and the severity of your injury or illness. If you are permanently disabled or impaired, RMA may pay your salary until retirement age.

Is it worth getting income protection insurance?

Income protection insurance provides a far broader and comprehensive coverage than standard COID cover in the event of injury or illness. A serious illness or accident that leaves you unable to return to work may result in loss of income, and an income protection plan is designed to cover this requirement.


You may also be interested in:

COID Cover

COID cover provides compensation for employees that are injured, become ill, or disabled at work or work-related event.

Group Personal Accident

GPA offers cover in the event of a non-work-related accident, such as a motor vehicle accident, to compensate nominated persons.

Funeral Cover

The RMA funeral cover is designed to offer financial support to families when a loved one passes away.

Call Us Now: 0860 222 132


RMA invites you to join our panel of brokers that will extend our
insurance products to the mining and metals companies in South Africa.

Our product offering is comprehensive enough to help you create
uniquely tailored employee solutions for employers.

For more information,
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0860 222 132

27 SEP

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