Online Services

Important Notice:

Employers must report accurate earnings of the employee when submitting a claim to us. Find guidelines on how to report employee earnings here.

Information Zone


RMA goes the extra mile to care for you and your family if you have been injured at work or have contracted a work-related disease. If you are fatally injured in a work-related accident, RMA goes to great lengths to track down your beneficiaries, even if they are living in hard to reach rural areas, to ensure that they receive their rightful compensation and are cared for in their time of need.

If you are injured or have contracted an illness at work, you need to:

  1. Inform your employer immediately by means of your company’s internal procedures. Your employer must report the accident to RMA within seven days from the date of the accident for all injuries, or within 14 days of diagnosis of disease.

  2. Submit the following documents to your employer who will in turn need to submit these to RMA together with your claim:

    1. Certified copy of your ID or passport.

    2. Proof of banking details in order for us to be able to make payment directly into your bank account.

    3. Contact details in order for us to be able to contact and communicate with you. We require:

      • Your full residential and/or postal address.

      • Your cell number.

      • Your email address (where applicable).

    4. Completed Section 51 document if you are under the age of 26 years or if you are a learner or trainee.

    5. Medical reports – your first medical report from your treating doctor must be submitted with your original claim, however, additional medical reports are required during the course of your treatment so that we may track your progress, particularly in the case of Temporary Total Disablement (TTDs), also known as days off or temporary income replacement benefit.

    6. Final assessment – this is the final document that will be submitted to RMA regarding your claim. You should not resume work unless the final assessment has been conducted by the treating doctor. This assessment allows RMA to assess if there is any permanent disablement in terms of COIDA. Should there be permanent disablement, you are entitled to compensation. If the injury is assessed at between 1% and 30% you will receive a lump sum payment. If the injury is assessed at between 31% and 100% you will be on a disability pension for life.


RMA offers training solution for stakeholders to ensure a sound understanding of its products, processes and its simple, accessible online facilities. To ensure that your training needs are sufficiently supported, please regularly check our training schedules to find a training date that is taking place near you.

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